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water damage cleanup in Lakewood CO
smoke damage cleanup in Lakewood CO
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storm damage repair in Lakewood CO

Disaster Cleanup and Restoration Company in Lakewood Colorado

Have you experienced a water damage catastrophe in Wabbaseka, Tucker, Lakewood, or Jefferson County? Contact Water Damage Pros now for round-the-clock emergency assistance. Our squad of disaster recovery experts is dedicated to restoring residences and commercial establishments that have been affected by unforeseen water damage or fire calamities. As a reputable Colorado-based restoration firm, you can trust us to promptly rehabilitate and reconstruct your property following any kind of disaster. Our objective is to simplify the process, and we’re fully capable of collaborating with your insurance provider throughout the entire restoration journey.

Call Our 24 Hour Hotline (303) 268-3180, We Service all of Jefferson County.

Services Pros of Lakewood MI

For more than ten years, the highly responsive team at Water Damage Pros in Lakewood has been dedicated to assisting property owners throughout Colorado, addressing a wide range of water damage situations. With a wealth of experience in disaster recovery, our local Lakewood restoration team has been a valuable resource for numerous homeowners and businesses dealing with water damage issues. We employ cutting-edge technology to swiftly remove excess water and commence the property drying process, ensuring efficient restoration.

You’ve probably seen our trucks in neighborhoods throughout Lakewood (Applewood, Thraemoor, Southern Gables), we are on call 24/7 to handle any size property disaster.

Lakewood’s Go-To Solution for Flood Cleanup, Sewer Backups, and Water Damage from Burst Pipes

In the event that your home or business is affected by water, fire, mold, or storm damage, you can have confidence in Water Damage Pros’ readiness to provide assistance. Our expertise in revitalizing properties severely impacted by such disasters is backed by years of valuable experience. Our skilled Water Damage Pros team excels in delivering thorough and prompt property restoration services. Rather than burdening yourself with the task of overseeing the remediation personally, allow us to deploy a dedicated and diligent team to promptly initiate the restoration process!

A Trusted Name in Colorado for Disaster Recovery

Water damage represents one of the most erratic and devastating risks to your property, whether it’s from minor leaks or severe flooding. Fortunately, Water Damage Pros has both the knowledge and cutting-edge equipment required to rehabilitate your premises. Our highly trained staff is adept at addressing the distinct challenges posed by various types of properties. When you choose Water Damage Pros, you can rest assured that your water-damaged property will be meticulously restored to its original condition at a remarkably competitive rate.

Your Local Lakewood and Jefferson County Restoration Company for Black Mold, Hoarding, Trauma Cleaning, and More – Call (303) 268-3180

Fires, with their unpredictability and destructive potential, can erupt suddenly within residential or commercial properties. In the aftermath of a fire, your first point of contact should be Water Damage Pros. Our seasoned team, equipped with state-of-the-art tools, is dedicated to restoring your property that has been affected by the fire. Additionally, we provide supplementary services such as smoke odor elimination, ensuring that your property not only appears but also smells and feels as if the fire never occurred.

Even with thorough preparations, storms can inflict unforeseen damage on your property. This is why Water Damage Pros is dedicated to swiftly restoring properties affected by storms. Our expert team is equipped and ready to restore properties of all sizes. You can rely on Water Damage Pros to efficiently return your property to its pre-storm state in a cost-effective manner.

Emergency Property Repairs – Fire, Flood & Water Damage

Black mold can quickly infiltrate your property in as little as 48-72 hours after a water leak occurs. If you suspect a leak, do not hesitate—reach out to Water Damage Pros right away! We will promptly conduct an on-site assessment of the problem. When dealing with mold, our Water Damage Pros team is specially trained not only to eradicate the mold but also to thoroughly sanitize the affected area to prevent future mold growth.

property restoration in ColoradoWhen you’re thinking about reaching out to a restoration company to assist with your property’s recovery, don’t hesitate to contact Lakewood Water Damage Pros! We’re available for your call 24/7, day or night.


Lakewood Water Damage Pros
10455 W 6th Ave, Suite 229, Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 268-3180

Learn more about us 

Lakewood Water Department
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 980-7300

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Customer Reviews & Testimonials

  • As a long-time resident of Lakewood and a homeowner who has faced the unpredictability of water damage, I can confidently say that Lakewood Water Damage Pros are the go-to experts in this field. From the moment I reached out, Aneil Wallace and his team were quick to respond, thoroughly assessing the damage and providing a clear, comprehensive plan for remediation. Their professionalism, coupled with their use of cutting-edge technology, ensured that my home was restored to its pre-damage condition efficiently and effectively. I am immensely grateful for their hard work and dedication; they turned a potentially overwhelming situation into a manageable and stress-free process. - Tim Everson
  • Lakewood Water Damage Pros delivered an exceptional sewage cleanup service that exceeded my expectations. Their team was prompt, professional, and equipped with the necessary tools to handle the job efficiently, ensuring that my property was thoroughly sanitized and safe. The level of care and attention to detail provided by their experts made a difficult situation much easier to manage, and I highly recommend their services to anyone facing similar challenges. - Ivey Rogers

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